In 2005 Richard Louv’s, Last Child in the Woods, highlighted a growing issue in America that he called, “Nature –Deficit disorder”. His book began a national dialogue among educators, health professionals, parents, developers and conservationists. From this movement the Ohio Leave No Child Inside Collaborative was formed, and the Miami Valley Chapter is hard at…
Knowledge Hub of Inspire Center for learning
Creating a Healthy Routine for a Healthy Life Starts with Bedtime

One of the many struggles of parenthood includes being the enforcer of bedtime. It can be especially hard during the transition from summer break, back to school. The truth is, kids need sleep to be successful during the day. Below is the ammunition you need to reason your way through this battle to a peaceful…
Anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizers may not be the best choice for keeping your family healthy during the holidays and beyond.

In this season of running noses and sore throats it is tempting to wipe our kids down with hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap after every sneeze and sniffle. But studies and research show that we are also wiping away the good bacteria that naturally help to defend our kids from sickness and super bugs. In…